BrainTracks Blog

Check out our variety of resources and tips on Executive Function support, ADHD, instructional strategies, mental health, and more!

Helping Students with ADHD Stay Organized: 8 Tips for Educators

Have you had this student in your class before? The one who consistently forgets their homework, loses track of their assignments, and becomes easily overwhelmed by their cluttered desk? Most likely, the answer is a resounding yes! We hear your pain, and we also hear your students’ pain too. Dealing with disorganization is difficult and frustrating for everyone.

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Sleep Patterns and ADHD: Helping Students Get the Rest They Need

Meet Sarah, a bright and energetic eighth-grader who always seemed to struggle with focusing in school. Despite her enthusiasm for learning, she often complained that she felt too tired to pay attention during lessons. Her teachers noticed her frequent yawning and difficulty staying on task, and they began to wonder if there was more to her fatigue than just a lack of interest in schoolwork.

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Empowering Students with ADHD: Strategies for Building Self-Motivation in the Classroom

Imagine a student eagerly starting a new classroom project, only to get sidetracked by the buzz of a fly or the allure of a colorful book minutes later. This is a common scenario for many students with ADHD. They often face hurdles in maintaining focus, managing their time, and staying organized, all of which are key to nurturing self-motivation.

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